Roleplayers for training

Our Story

Our Services

Role Players for Training provide professional business actor/ facilitators, based primarily in Ireland and servicing Europe & Scandinavia, using an experiential approach to support a variety of learning, development and assessment contexts. 


We work with businesses, professional firms, educators, independent trainers and in executive education, providing a memorable learning experience. Our multilingual team of role players can facilitate workshops in a variety of European languages.

Using an experiential approach, through Role Play, Real Play or Simulations affords participants the opportunity to practise a specific work related situation to support and enhance a particular learning or skill. It is an interactive exercise between a participant, trainee or candidate and one or more role players and can be bespoke. 100% learner-centred.

Meet Rita Smyth

Following a successful career in Financial Services followed by professional actor training, Rita founded Role Players for Training in response to a need for full-time professional actors, using drama based skills to support and facilitate Learning and Development in Business and Executive Education.


What Our Clients Say

What skills and experience do our team bring?

In addition to professional actor training and experience, our team of professional corporate role players and business actors have previous commercial experience, are skilled facilitators, familiar with various learning tools, models and the corporate environment. A number are trained trainers, qualified executive coaches and some can deliver in various European languages. 


What Participants Say

In the Press

The actor who's now training staff through role play

LEO Dublin City Women in Business Network Awards

Curtain up on corporate role-playing

Training and Development Magazine

Practising For Reality: Using professional corporate role players to support Learning and Development

Proud to be a member of

How participants say they felt

Let's work together!

Role Players for Training add a vital experiential element to leadership and communication training.

Let's talk about how we could work together to enhance your development programmes.