Author: Rita

Delighted to have worked with Tanya Crosbie at on a new set of pics for my website  as part of Tanya's ''Inspiring Women over 40 Project''...

Interview with Rita Smyth, @Role Players for Training, talks about setting up her business using professional actors to support learning and development in business and education.

This article appeared in the SME Feature of the Q3 Dublin Chamber of Commerce magazine. Widely used in the US and UK, role playing for business training has a much smaller presence in the Irish market. Rita Smyth of Role Players for Training established her company...

Podcast interview with Rita Smyth originally featured on SkillWorks Laura Fitzsimons, Training & Presenting Coach with SkillWorks interviews Rita Smyth of Role Players for Training on The Learning Show on 103.2 Dublin City FM. Rita talks about how effective the use of Role Playing is in helping people...